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Sunday, November 7, 2010

    Erin has been working a lone star for about a month now. Praise God! She was able to get a job with little experience and just a few months of time left here. Erin was looking for a job in anything but the food business when we first got back to Jackson. After some time, many applications, and only one interview she decided it was time to start looking elsewhere. Her distaste for working with food came from a bad experience of working at O.C.B. where it was hectic and unorganized. Fortunately this job at Lone Star has been a different experience. While it is high paced, it is organized and more manageable.
    I have no 'new' news about myself. I am still at New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson, MI. I just started my second to last block for the semester and my time at NTBI! I can't believe it has already been two years. The time has gone by so fast. I have learned so much and feel like I have only begun in my life process of knowing God from His word. Graduation will be on December 18th, just a month and a half away! There are only 10 people in my class so it will be a small graduation. The small number isn't because of how hard the program is or strenuous but because not many people start there training in January like my class did. I am very glad I did though! I feel as if I know my class better than I would in a larger one. There was also more opportunity to interact with the teachers during class. My time here has been a great blessing.
Please continue to pray for Erin and me,

Grace and Peace