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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Adventure Two on Mindanao

     Our second trip on Mindanao started by getting back on the bike. Well, Erin decided to jump in the 4x4 with some other missionaries. It was a fairly uneventful ride except for the beautiful scenery. 

This was better than trying the bridge...
     It was a big day there in the village. The missionary there started a family day, where everybody would take a day off to play games and have a good time together. Today it was even bigger than normal! They invited the next village over, quite a few missionaries came in, and a pastor from Luzon came down with some of his church just for this event. They danced, sang, played games and had a huge meal which was delicious. It was such a great time!

In this game they took turns blowing flower out of a bowl to uncover a coin. The last person had to pick up the coin with their mouth and run back to the start!

Listen to this great tribal beat!

It turns out the white guys aren't too great at it:) Look at the local laugh at us!
     The beat is made by 4 people hitting the log at different times, then a couple other people add on with smaller sticks. Three NTM missionaries and the pastor from Luzon tried. We didn't make the right sound once! Turns out playing a log takes some skill...

     After all the festivities the food was brought out and we were ready! We knew it was common to eat with your hands in remote locations but we weren't very skilled. My first thought was, wheres the hand sanitizer? After fumbling around for a bit we were instructed on how to eat with your hands properly:) It involves forming the rice and topping into a single piece then using your thumb to push it off your cupped fingers into your mouth. 
It was a great time experiencing so much culture in one afternoon!
     Please pray for these people. They have no access to the gospel at this time. Soon the missionaries will begin teaching. They are already asking to hear God's word because of the lives of the missionaries there. 


  1. So interesting! Seems like a great way to connect with the people. And you both still have your great smiles. Love you!

  2. The log isn't hollow. It does resonate really well though!

  3. Love the pictures - Love the smiles! :)
