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Get Involved

Pray, Give, Go...

          There are so many ways to get involved with what God is doing around the world. We've chosen to go, but that wouldn't be possible without all the people back home who have chosen to pray and give. If you want to be a part of what God is doing among the unreached people of the Philippines we'd love for you to join our team.

There are several ways you can be a part of our ministry...
  •      Pray - If you're interested in praying for us go to our Hold the Ropes page to find our current prayer requests.
  •      Encourage - Another way to get involved is to send us encouraging notes, letters, e-mails or even a care package. There's nothing like hearing from home when you're living overseas. You can find ways to get in touch with us on our Contact Info page.
  •      Give - Ethnos360 is a faith-based organization. That means while we are serving with Ethnos360 we are completely supported by individuals and churches. They give financially so we can take the gospel where it's never been before. Ethnos360 has set our monthly budget as follows: 1/3 toward insurance, taxes, and retirement; 1/3 toward living expenses and saving up for furloughs; and 1/3 toward ministry expenses. 
                    We are currently at 91% of our monthly support goals. 

If you want to invest in us and our ministry there are lots of ways to give and all gifts are tax-deductible... 
    • Online - You can go to Ethnos360's website by clicking on the link. Give to Alex and Erin Williams @ There you can give special one-time donations or monthly donations using debit or credit cards. There is also an option to set up a recurring donation.
    • EFT - This is the "set it and forget it" method if you want to give monthly donations. Ethnos360's form is easy to use. You fill it out, send it in, and they set up the rest. The link will take you to the page where you can find the form. EFT Form
    • Sending Churches - If you attend one of our sending churches (Bethel Memorial or Keizer Community) you can also put donations in the offering, just designate the amount along with our names on the envelope or in the memo line of a check.
    • By Mail - To give by check or money order, please make it payable to Ethnos360. Include a note to let them know you are designating the donation for Alex and Erin Williams. Please send it to:
                            Ethnos 360 
                            312 West First Street 
                            Sanford, Florida 32771-1231

              You will receive a receipt, as well as an envelope and a slip that will speed the processing of future donations.

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