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Monday, August 1, 2011

One Year!

Erin and I have been married for one year now!

For our one year anniversary we decided (kind of last minute) to spend the weekend in a cabin in the woods, the same way we celebrated our honeymoon! It was a great trip of relaxation and enjoyment of God's creation.

Here's a picture of the cabin we stayed in on the Mckenzie river at Cedarwood Lodge.
Here is our view :-)

I managed to pull a nice 14'' native rainbow out of there Saturday afternoon :) Like I said, we got to enjoy God's creation.

We also spent a few hours on Clear Lake just up the road in a row boat. It was an amazing sight as well and I got a work out as Erin basked in the sun... or baked.

We are extremely thankful for all the different ways God has provided for us in the past year through friends, family, and jobs. We consider ourselves extremely blessed and we really are of course! Check out Eph. 1:3!

For a nearly last minute plan it was the perfect getaway for two.