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Thursday, September 1, 2011

MTC - The Next Phase of Training

    Our next stop in training with New Tribes Mission (NTM) will be at the Missions Training Center (MTC). This post, as previously promised, is to inform you about what it is exactly and why we are going. As most of you know Erin and I have a desire to see those who are unreached with the gospel of Christ to finally have a chance to hear and accept the good news. We are in training with NTM and have completed two years of Bible training at New Tribes Bible Institute and are now planning to attend the MTC.

Here is how NTM briefly describes the MTC.

     "The Missionary Training Center prepares you for career ministry with New Tribes Mission. Think about it: If you were given the opportunity today to plant a church in an unreached tribe, would you know where to start? Missionary training teaches you about the complex concepts involved in tribal church planting, such as understanding culture and learning language, so you can effectively communicate cross-culturally. We’re also vitally concerned about your walk with God, so that in an isolated, high-pressure environment, your relationship with God can survive and even thrive."

Here are some links if you would like more details about the MTC.

MTC General Page
Here you can read and navigate yourself through all the information NTM has to offer.

MTC Curriculum
Here you can find all the classes offered at the MTC.

MTC Cost
While at the MTC they would like the students to be able to focus fully on the training. For this reason full time jobs are not allowed and only occasionally are part time jobs allowed. This means that while at the MTC we will be relying on financial support from others and our savings from our year in Oregon.