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Monday, December 19, 2011

We're Leaving!

Erin and I are going to the MTC! Our last day in Oregon will be the 29th of December. We'll be spending about a week and a half in Indiana with Erin's family before actually going to training. We're looking forward to it!

It's so exciting because this is the next step for us to become missionaries! It's always a bummer having to leave the place where you have been having such great times and building relationships. We're ready though! Except for the packing, shipping, driving, unpacking.... That's the real bummer :-/

Here is the really exciting part. Awhile ago while thinking about the MTC I was roughly calculating the cost for Erin and I to be there. I tried to take everything into account - School costs, food, insurance, travel etc. I figured we would be 100% funded at around $1,500 a month. I hadn't really talked to anybody about the amount but kept it in the back of my mind as a rough goal. We didn't even expect to reach that goal because we have been saving quite a bit while here in Oregon. Well God provided in a way we didn't expect! Between Keizer Community Church (Alex's home church) and Bethel Memorial Church (Erin's home church) we have exactly $1,500 dollars of support a month! We Praise God because we know He is the One in control.

If you want to learn more about where we are headed please take a look at the previous post.

Please Pray for our Trip!

We will be driving all the way to Indiana!