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Friday, August 31, 2012

Goodbye Summer Hello MTC

Our summer was amazing! Because we have two great sending Churches and a few individuals who are supporting us financially we were able to go to Bethel Memorial Church this summer and say, "Put us in any holes that you have this summer! We're all yours!"  Here are the different ways we were able to serve with Bethel over the summer.

  • taught a college age Sunday school.
  • helped in the new transition room for the kids.
  • taught the missions portion of VBS.
  • spoke one Thursday at several local retirement homes. 
  • spoke for one Sunday evening service.
  • were senior camp counselors at Shakamak Bible Camp.
  • spoke for one morning session at Bible Camp.
  • had a few discipleship opportunities with family and friends.  
The best part of the whole summer was getting to spend time with family and friends - and making new ones:)

Summer is over and we are excited to be back in school at the Missionary Training Center! We're starting off the semester with a small groups Romans class where we discuss Romans 5-8 and we are also in Missionary Technology (where we get to learn about using solar panels, wiring your house, Tech. maintenance....). They are both great classes for different reasons.
(Erin using a shunt and multi-meter to measure the amps being used by a halogen light bulb)

To see all of our classes this semester and a brief summary follow this link   2nd Semester

To read and hear amazing stories about how the world is being reached with the Gospel follow this link  New Tribes Mission News

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Arrival at the MTC!

We are here!

After traveling many days we have finally made it to the  Missionary Training Center (MTC). Our travels were very uneventful which was great! An awesome answer to prayer as we traveled for 5 days (counting back from Indiana) with not a single mishap.

We had a great couple of weeks with Erin's family in Indiana. The weather cooperated for awhile so we were able to get out of the house a bit. We got to see Luke play some basketball too! Talking with Pastor Kevin it sounds like we're going to have a great summer at Bethel Memorial where we'll be getting involved wherever we can. It is something I look forward to since I haven't spent much time with Erin's church family.

Being back in training with New Tribes Mission is great. We've been able to spend lots time with friends from Bible school we haven't seen in awhile. It's also great to meet new people who have the same desire as us - to see the unreached reached! I'm really trying to challenge myself with remembering names. It's always been a struggle of mine...

We've mostly been in orientation the last week but the little taste of real classes we have had made us excited to get started. I'll write more about our classes as we are going through them. For now here are pictures of our apartment.

Above: This is our apartment. There are 4 apartments to a building.
SO... Why did I nail my doormat to my porch? It was the third night we had been at the MTC. The weather had been great that day, 70! Well the next day was supposed to be much much cooler I think around 30. Well some of you already know where this is going... That night the warm front and the cold front hit each other. I woke up to the sound of a loud siren as if there was an air raid! After nudging Erin to wake up I got up and took a look out front to see what was happening. Everyone was running around. At that point I pretty much knew it was a tornado :-/ Luckily the day before we had gone into the 'tornado shelter' to grab a microwave (The room also serves as a place for unwanted items). We got to spend about 45 minutes during the middle of the night in a tornado shelter. Two tornado's had been spotted heading in our general direction. What a welcome and what better reason to nail your doormat to your porch?
Above: Looking into our apartment from the front door.
 Above: Looking to the left after walking in - our kitchen table with fish:)
Above: Our small bathroom next to our kitchen:) We are praising God we have our own though!
Above: Looking from our kitchen out front. You may notice the construction of a new large building out front.
Above: Our spare room or 'catch all' To the left of this there is another window and a desk and flint - our white's tree frog.

Our bedroom is the same size as our spare room but I don't have a picture because Erin was taking a nap after church while I took the pics :-)