Imagine yourself standing at the base of Niagara Falls. You have been given a very important task. You are told that you need to successfully catch as much water as you can because your going to need it later. You say "That doesn't sound too hard." But here's the kicker, all you have to get the water is a dixie cup. Well, this last year and half was a bit like standing under a waterfall with a dixie cup. Let me explain, there was a torrential downpour of information everyday in class, and often we felt like all we had to hold it in it was a little bitty cup. While we do feel prepared to go and live and do ministry overseas we also feel completely inadequate to do the task God has laid before us. The most pressing thing we learned in this last year and a half is that we are in desperate need of God daily. He has chosen to use us weak and broken vessels to reach the world.
So, after two years of Bible School and one and a half years of missionary training we're finally finished with formal schooling! Not to say that we're done learning but we are excited to be done with this phase of training. We will officially become New Tribes Missionaries in early July. The most important and exciting thing is that we are one step closer to the foreign field!
There we were again... Our little brown Camry loaded down, 15 plastic totes packed up, and apartment cleaned out. It was time to say good bye again. We loved our time at the MTC and as difficult as it was to leave our friends that we had made we we're ready to move on. It was truly a blessing to learn from such an amazing staff.
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Graduation with Erin's parents |
We finally have an answer to the question that has been ringing in our ears. "Where will you be going?" We are currently in the process of applying to serve in The Philippines! We have been praying and considering this decision for quite some time. Thank you for praying with us!
Right now we are looking for partners who are interested in seeing the unreached of the world reached with the Gospel of Christ. We are looking for people who will join us through finances, prayer, and encouragement. So over these next months we will be meeting with individuals and churches to see who wants to be a part of our team and invest with us in the people of the Philippines. Please pray for us and the team that God is preparing.