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Saturday, July 13, 2013


We Should Get Jerseys… Cause We Make a Good Team.

Well, thanks to more faithful believers who have joined our team we are now at 40% of our monthly budget that we need to raise before we can head out to the Philippines. God is so faithful!

We’re finally moved into our new home! This is our fourth home and we’ll be celebrating our third anniversary the 31st of this month. It’s the biggest home yet and the lowest price thanks to our brother and sister renting it to us!  We’re excited to have people over and connect with our church family. We can’t tell you how blessed we are to be surrounded by such amazing church families.

We’ll be in Indiana doing partnership development until around February or March, but we are still at a very flexible and slightly unpredictable time in our lives as missionaries. So we hold onto dates pretty loosely J. After our time here we will be moving out to Oregon for 6 – 9 months where we will be continuing the partnership process.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Alex joined the church league softball team and they’ve been doing really well!
Please pray

·         That God will continue to raise up a strong support team for us.

·         Alex and I are going to be counselors at Shakamak Bible Camp this coming week. Pray that the kids will have a good time and grow closer in their relationship with God.

·         Also, VBS is coming up soon and Alex and I are going to be teaching the Bible lessons as Paul and Damaris. PLEASE pray that we will be able to act out the roles well!
·         We are moved into our new house.

·         For our new team mate supporters.

·         For all of the people praying for us.