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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Quick Update on Church Camp and VBS

For all of you who were praying we wanted to give an update on how Church Camp and VBS went.

Bethel Girls Cabin

We both had an awesome week at Camp Shakamak. Alex was a counselor for a cabin full of young men from Bethel, and I was the only counselor in a cabin with 16 young women from Bethel. I was a little intimidated to be the only leader in the cabin, but the girls really did take it easy on me so I was very thankful.

Bethel Boys Cabin

There were several youth groups from regional IFCA churches that came to camp. It was such a valuable time to invest in the youth from our local churches. The theme this year was "faithbook" so all of the messages were centered around what it means to have faith in God and how to live by faith. There were many good conversations that took place that week, and it was wonderful to see God working in young hearts.

Dog pile at one in the morning...

Vacation Bible school was a ton of fun and a little challenging all at the same time. The theme was Athens: Paul's dangerous journey. Alex and I both stepped out of our comfort zones and did a little bit of acting! Alex played the role of The Apostle Paul and I was Damaris, a member of the council in Athens. I'd say that it went pretty well... except the night we made a little girl cry because she was scared. Apparently being chased by an angry mob isn't for everyone (No children were harmed in the making of this VBS... we were only pretending that there was an angry mob.) All joking aside we had a ton of kids tell us that we did a good job and they had a great time talking with Paul and Damaris.

Teaching the lesson in Paul's tent.

We were also the missions spotlight for VBS this year. So the kids raised over $350 for us to put towards our future ministry! It was such a blessing.