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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Just think of your favorite dessert...

I'd like to take a little detour for a few moments before we get to some really exciting news.

Imagine with me a crunchy graham cracker crust covered with a decadent cream cheese concoction and topped with luscious cherries. Seriously my mouth is watering just thinking about my favorite dessert. It probably helps that my grandma is the one who makes it so there are many fond memories attached to this sweet after dinner treat. It's something I always look forward to.

 If your wondering why I'm making you walk down this merry little rabbit trail it's because this dessert is comparable to our last few months of partnering with people. It has been so sweet and delightful to our hearts to have built new and better relationships with believers from my church and community. The support and love that has been poured out on us is overwhelming. We have looked forward to every get together, not only because we love to eat :) , but because the people that we connect with are wonderful. The fond memories we have of this time are going to be like getting to eat that cherry delight over and over again. God is beyond gracious for placing us in this community of believers, and we couldn't be more thankful.

Now to the extra exciting news. Because of God's amazing faithfulness we have reached the half way mark of the financial support we need to raise; we are now at 53% !!!!! So thank you to all the people who have been praying for us, we greatly appreciate it.

Tune in next time for some of our F.A.Qs :)

Prayer requests:
  • We will both be speaking at weekend retreats for the youth group at my (Erin's) church. Alex will be speaking to the guys the first weekend in October and I will speak to the girls the third weekend. Please pray that we will really connect with them and be able to challenge and encourage them.
  • My best friend is getting married next week in TN. Pray for safe travels and a blessed day for her.
  • Diligence to do all that we need to do while we're here.