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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Leaving On A Jet Plane !!!!

 These last few weeks we’ve been having trouble finding interesting things to tell you that you don’t already know. Well that is no longer a problem! We finally have our official departure date! We bought our tickets and we will be flying out of Oregon on October 18thand arriving in Manila on the 20th. It’s starting to feel like we’re actually going to leave the U.S.

Our time in Oregon has been fantastic. We’ve been able to get involved in so many ways with Keizer Community Church. Alex and I are gearing up to teach the summer Kids Wednesday Night program, be praying that we will be able to make an impact on these young hearts and minds. We’ll be watching a video series that shows what it’s like to grow up as a missionary kid; then we’ll be teaching from the Word to challenge the kids to examine their own lives. Our hope is that they will focus on serving God with their lives.

 I was able to work with some lovely women to put together a Ladies’ Tea, which was a little hectic but really fun. This last Saturday it all came together and went off without a hitch.

The best part of all is the many families we’ve had over for dinner. It’s been interesting to talk with people in the setting of our own home, we’ve loved hearing their stories and spending time with them. Another fun and practical thing we get to do is a CPR class that the church is hosting. I’m looking forward to having this training because we’ll most likely be the closest thing to medical help in the village we’ll end up in.

Praise God, we’ve reached 83% of our monthly goal! We’ve come to appreciate the body of Christ in so many new ways. Thank you to all of our friends that have gotten involved in our life! 


·         Kids Wednesday Night Program.

·         Continue to prepare ourselves for the field.

·         Connect with people who want to be involved.


·         We bought our tickets!

·         More people have joined our team bringing us to 83% of our monthly goal.

·         Time spent with family has been so precious.