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Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Ride of a Lifetime…

Can you recall the feeling of standing in line for the biggest roller coaster you've ever seen? I can, it was called “The Boss”.  Staring at that ride with all of its twists, turns, and drops was intimidating and exciting all at the same time. The further I got in the line the harder my heart pumped, partially from a tinge of fear, but mostly from a lot of excitement.

That experience of waiting to ride “The Boss” is pretty comparable to what we’re going through now. It feels like we've been standing in line forever waiting to get to the “good stuff”. As we approach our departure date on the 18th all of the twists, turns, and drops are becoming more visible. We can see that first giant hill and to be honest it’s pretty intimidating, but with all the support we've had from family and friends it’s not as scary to go as I thought it would be. For me the best part of getting on a coaster is standing in line with your friends. It’s like we have all of our supporters getting on this crazy coaster with us, and with God at the controls I know everything will be OK regardless of our circumstances.

We just spent two weeks in Indiana in Erin’s home town saying our final goodbyes, so now we’re spending our last two weeks in Oregon in Alex’s hometown. We’ll be staying at Alex’s parent’s house because we already packed up our apartment before the Indiana trip. Our time is filling up with last minute travel details and get togethers.
We leave from Portland on the 18th. The total flight time is around 15 hours not including layovers. When we arrive in Manila we’ll be staying at the guest house until we can find an apartment. We’ll get most of our furnishings in Manila and start helping out wherever we can until we start language study in January/February. As I write this I can picture “The Boss”! Please be praying for this massive transition. We are genuinely excited and ready for this move… it’s been a long time coming.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! We love your support!!

P.S. We’re at 87% of our monthly support goal! If you’re interested in partnering with us check out our Get Involved page for more information.