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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Two weeks in…

        First of all we need to thank everyone for praying for us because we have been in Manila for almost two weeks now and we feel like we've landed on our feet! Neither of us has felt really stressed out or worried at any point of our time here. We've been slowly branching out to new places around the city, just trying to learn street names, and where all the different shops are.  It’s strange to see so many American stores here, just today we ate at Bubba Gump… it’s hard for us to find that in the states, but it’s here in Manila. We’ve been on a tricycle, jeepney, fx, taxi, and bus so we’re getting more comfortable with public transportation.

        We are currently living in the NTM guest house till close to the end of the year then we will move to Bataan (pronounced batah-ahn) and begin language study. Bataan will sound familiar to most of you because of the Bataan death march in World War II. NTM Philippines has a training center there for Filipinos who are interested in missions to the unreached, which we were able to visit this last week. We will start looking into housing the coming months and move out there when our Language Consultants get back from furlough.

       We’ve been making all sorts of new friends here at the guest house and at the little church we’ve been able to attend. Their Sunday service and prayer meetings are so enjoyable for us. What a privilege to worship with Christ’s bride all the way on the other side of the world.

       This Sunday we will be flying north to visit a tribe there. We’ll be staying there for a few days with one of our new friends who is kind enough to host us. We even get fly in a helicopter!

Neither of us has gotten really sick, Alex is only battling a cold.
We’re still in the “honeymoon phase” where everything is cool.
We were received with open arms and it’s been a pleasure to get to know people here.

Our trip into the tribe up north could be affected by bad weather. Pray that God would grant us some clear skies J
Pray for future housing in Bataan.
Pray for us to be sensitive to culture so we can learn quickly and build healthy relationships.