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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Life At Home

We're just two weeks shy of being in the Philippines for ONE YEAR. Here's what we do every day and a few things that are different in our home compared to a home in the States.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday our language helper Erica comes to our house for 2 hours of language study. During this time we chat, learn new words, have her tell us stories, and practice some of our weak language skills with her. We met her through a mutual friend and are now attending the same church. It's been great getting to know her. She's a great language helper and a really fun person.
Practicing some old words that we should know but have forgotten, using TPR.
(TPR is basically hearing the word and pointing at the picture or object)
One of the more fun things to do while learning language is learning the steps to a new activity and the language associated with it. Last week we made Pastillas, a sweet milk candy.

Every day from 1 to 3 we have our language tutor Wendel. Another awesome language helper who has been working with New Tribes Missionaries for 9 years.
Our bedroom is extremely long and doubles as our office during the heat of the day. The house commonly gets over 100 degrees inside so we enjoy the air conditioning during the afternoon language sessions.  
Now a few things different in our home than a home in the States

Our twin tub washing machine. After a wash and a rinse in the
left side, the right side spins the water out and Erin hangs them
up to dry. 
Our electric water heater for warm showers.

There's nothing different about this power strip
compared to the states but we use them on everything!
There is a much better chance of having your stuff
fried here. 
Our Automatic Voltage Regulator protects our fridge and
important kitchen appliances from fluctuations in current.

We've put in over one thousand hours of language study in. The time consists of the class time mentioned about, language and culture exposure outside, listening to recordings from class, and a bit of reading. 

Thank you all for praying for us and supporting us so that we can keep all of our focus and learning Tagalog. 

Continue to Pray:

- For our relationships with those around us. 

- That we would take opportunities to love and not focus only on language study.

- For direction for our future. We'll soon begin the process of looking for our future ministry location.