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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Island Trip

It was a different adventure this time visiting a church plant on a remote island in the Philippines. Rather than dirt bikes it was outrigger boats. Here's a video from our latest trip.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Northern Luzon

     Cole and I went up to norther Luzon to check out a possible future ministry location. We did a lot of riding to get into some remote areas. It was great talking to some of the believers in the area and a pastor that ministers there. Check out the video to see everything we saw!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Day In Our Life

Sunday, May 15, 2016

One Day At A Time.

It's been some time since our last update. Nothing too exciting has happened just life in general. Here's the highlights of our last few months :)

We were able to help out at our church's Kids Camp this year. It's alot like VBS on steriods. It's 5 days woth of teaching and fun packed into to 2! The kids and workers even slept at the church.

We've been spending lots of time with our language helpers. In the pictures below we are making maja blanca. It's a Filipino dessert that has coconut, condensed milk, and a few other ingredients.
This first picture is Alex squeezing out the coconut milk from the ground coconut. In the second picture, I'm making latik. Latik is the solids that separate from the oil after you boil coconut milk down. The last picture is the finished product.

These are our friends/co-workers that graduated from New Tribes School of Missions.

Elections just finished up here. This was a little polling place at a local bookstore. Be praying for the Philippines as they transition to a new set of leaders. 
Added a new color/started a new phase of language study! We are doing evaluations this weekend so please be praying for us!

These are just some highlights from our daily life. Thank you for praying for us and keeping up with how we're doing. It means alot to us.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Summary of Our 2015 Tagalog Study