We're back in the Philippines! It's 4:30 a.m here as I'm writing this. We've been up for an hour already so we're right in the middle of the delights of jet lag, but it's been getting better every night.
We had a really good trip from Oregon. Honestly, we knew people were praying for us. It started out with a 4 hour drive to Seattle, during which Hinley only cried for about 20 min and we only hit 30 min of traffic. A great start to a very long journey. We stayed the night at a hotel, and took a shuttle to the airport in the morning. While waiting for the shuttle, I was standing in the lobby of the hotel babysitting our luggage and our daughter as Alex was putting the car seat in. For no apparent reason, it hit me like a lightning bolt that I left Hinley's blankie on the bed in the hotel room. This is not just any blanket mind you, it's the blanket she uses for ALL of her sleeping. Parents, you know what I'm talking about. My heart started to race as I prayed that God would take care of her blanket. We had already turned in our room key, and told the cleaning people upstairs that the room was ready to be done! Hinley and I abandoned our luggage in the lobby, had the front desk make another card key, and raced to the elevators which were painfully slow. As the doors opened a nice Spanish speaking man was rolling away two laundry carts. Of course I was thinking that her sweet little blankie was mixed up in all those sheets. I tried to tell him about my problem, but there was an obvious language barrier as he kept saying, "Front Desk". All I could think of was Tagalog, no help at all! He continued down the hallway, and I waited for the elevators AGAIN... soooo slow. I finally ran into the room to find her blanket draped on a chair with all the other sheets.
Hinley was very perky at midnight... We were not :) |
The infamous blankie pictured here. The yellow and white one.
Sweet relief and praise for such a small mercy that didn't feel small to me. There's no reason I should have remembered that blanket. I had a thousand other things on my mind, but God in his tender care brought it to mind. He cares about all the
details, and He wants us to come to Him with ALL our burdens, even one as small as a baby blanket.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
Hinley and Aaro |
I felt like a T-rex trying to eat with tiny arms :) |
The rest of our trip was filled with special little details from God.
- Our carry on's were overweight but there was enough space in other bags so nothing was left behind.
- We got to travel with our partners, Cole and Hannah, and their two kids Cameron and Aaro.
- Our flight was only 11 hours when we were expecting 12.
- The lady on the end of the row asked to trade seats with us which gave us the pair of seats where the arm rest pulled up out of the way.
- Hinley fell asleep in the bassinet right before the food came.
- She only slept about 5 hours out of 24, but she was happy basically the whole time.
- We were able to find a quiet spot during the layover.
- All of our luggage made it.
- Immigrations was a cake walk.
- We caught a taxi so easily.
- Tagalog came back so quickly as we chatted with our taxi driver.
We were completely exhausted, but the trip went so well. Praise God, He really does hear the prayer of His people. Thank you for bringing us before His throne of grace.
Continue praying for...
- Hinley's visa
- Jet Lag
- Moving all of our belongings
- Finding a house
- Traveling
- Doing some survey trips
- And a flurry of other things that need to get done.