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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Settled and Searching


I'm not sure how it's October already. The last month has been packed with so many new things. New town, new house, new milestones for Hinley, new friends, new pediatrician, and the list goes on. Thank you for praying for us as we are adjusting to this new place.

Big prayers that were answered...
  • We have a house! God provided a place in no time flat. We were shocked that we found a place so quickly. It took a bit of time to make it our own, but it feels like home.  All of our stuff made the move with no problems, and our coworkers are all settled in as well.
We don't rent the whole thing just one of the lower floors, for those of you who were wondering why there is a house on top of our house :)
  • The guys were able to take a short trip into a village of the people group we plan to minister to the future. They had a great time talking with a pastor and an elder of a small church that we could potentially work with to see the gospel reach beyond this small village to the whole people group.  
  • Hinley is doing so well. She has handled all the changes like a pro. There was some loss of sleep, but that's to be expected since we've been living in so many new places. She is growing so fast. She can already crawl around and pull herself up on things. She also loves playing with other kids and definitely notices when other little people are around.
Hinley and Aaro hanging out during Bible study.
  • The car. It was fixed! (Great answer to prayer) Alex found out that an ignition coil had gone bad, but he was able to find it and change it. That solved the problem and he was able to make the 11 hour drive from Manila up to Tuguegarao. Unfortunately, we are having different issues with it now. It's been to the mechanic twice now. We'll see if this latest fix does the trick.

Now the next big thing we need to tackle is finding a language helper for Alex. Please be in prayer for this. It's a big deal to find someone who is capable and has time. We've already been in touch with a couple of local pastors, but haven't heard anything yet.

Part of my search as a mom was finding a pediatrician for Hinley. I'm happy to say that through the recommendation of another missionary mom we were able to take Hinley in for her 6 month appointment to a doctor that we really liked and felt did a great job.

There is also so much planning and decision making we have as a team (Us and the Hinderagers) : what our specific goals are in the village, what location we want to move to, how we'll function together as a team, etc... Please keep us before the Lord. The weight of the path laid before us is immense. We know that we don't shoulder the burden because God is the one changing hearts not us, but the gravity of what we hope to see come to pass is often on our minds. We are completely inadequate for what lies ahead, but that's the way the Lord works... in the midst of the weakness, not in the absence of it.