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Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year and a New State

     2022 has arrived and it holds a move for us. On January 12th we will be packing up and flying to Indiana. We decided to spend time with all of our people there while we continue to wait for paperwork that will allow us to go back to the Philippines. Our church has graciously allowed us to use a house they own so we get to have our own place for a while. We are looking forward to doing life and ministry with our Bethel family as well as some remote work for our organization in the Philippines! And seeing lots of Erin's family too :) 

     We don't know exactly how long our paperwork will take, but we plan on staying in Indiana until it goes through. The first time around it took 5 months, but we just had two other missionary families whose paperwork only took 2 months. Of course, there's also the new Covid variant so who knows how that will affect everything. We just continue to take life one day at a time. God is faithful in everything and it gives us a deep reassurance that He knows what's around the corner and has a plan for us. 

     Many people have asked about our house in the village. Our co-workers, the Hinderager's, live right beside us, and they have been keeping an eye on it while we are away. Also, another missionary family will be using it this coming month while doing Bible translation. It will be great to have people living in it again. Hopefully they can chase out the giant spiders for us lol.