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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Let's Try This Again!

Things are finally looking positive for us to get back into the Philippines! Their Covid numbers are way down, and they have opened to tourists again after two years of being closed off. We have tickets to leave from Indiana on April 6th. I'll spare you all the technical details of visas, extensions, and exemption paperwork, and simply ask you to pray that we will make it back this time. There could be some issues to handle with paperwork, but everything looks reasonable enough to deal with. Thank you for standing with us in this long, strange season. We hope it's coming to a close and we get to go back to our little village!


  • We have to test negative for Covid before we fly. If we test positive we will not be allowed to travel.
  • The trip will be 28 hours of cars, planes, and airports. Pray for us and the kids as it's a grueling trip.
  • Pray as we soak up our last few weeks with all our Indiana family and friends.