We're moving fast toward moving into our soon to be home. Cole and I are making trips back and forth to get little projects done before we begin work on their house. We've already got a large water tank made that will service our teams houses and also the land owners house. We've already been hugely blessed with the skill level of the guys there and they're excited to work! Some days we actually have too much help. One day we had 16 men working for us!
The beginning of our ferro-cement tank. |
First layer of cement being stuck to two layers of wire mesh. |
The complete 5,000L tank. |
Our second completed project is the septic tank. It took three full days of digging with 4-5 guys in the hole all day. The hole ended up being 13' X 7' X 7'.
The start of our hole. |
Complete hole for two chamber septic tank. |
Cole with a few of the guys. |
Finishing up the tank. |
Next to me is one of the local pastors we hope to work closely with in the years to come. |
Our plan now is to start work on our partners house this coming month. It's really exciting to see relationships being built with the people we will be ministering to. Pray for us as we begin the big job of building two houses! Pray that the rain won't hinder progress.
Amazing that you have so much help. Praying the rain isn't an issue.