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Monday, November 15, 2021

It's Finally Here!!!!!!

     The day has finally come! We have tickets purchased to go back to the Philippines on December 2nd! It has been a long road to get special approval to get back in the country, but Jehovah-jireh, the Lord has worked out all the details in His time. Please pray as the last vital step that needs to happen is receiving our tourist visa from the Philippine Consulate here in the states. We've spoken with them and mailed off our application so we are anticipating a two week wait. Pre-covid we would get our tourist visa upon landing in the Philippines, but since tourists aren't allowed in the country yet we have to take special steps. Once we get back we will be able to apply for our new two year visa.

     We are beyond excited to get back to our home, our co-workers, and our little village we get to minister too. There is so much to prepare as we think through all that needs to be done. It will certainly be a hectic few months for us as we make our way back out to the village. Please pray for us and the kids in this big transition. Yes it will be difficult, but difficult isn't necessarily a bad thing. Difficulties keep us humbly relying on the Lord. They keep us remembering who is really in control. And they keep reminding us how faithful our Heavenly Father is in EVERY circumstance. Hard things can be good things when we walk with our Jesus.

     Specific Prayer Requests:

  • We have a lot to do in our last few weeks, pray for clear minds 
  • Pray our visa arrives soon so we don't have to think about it.
  • Pray for our 15 hour flight and 8 day quarantine in a hotel... with two children. 
  • Pray for us and the kids as we transition from being home for two years. Hinley barely even remembers our life there!

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